Reflecting on IACA 11/4

On Thursday last week, six of us went to a martial arts studio. I thought we were going to do tai chi, but we ended up doing kung fu. Master Ling was not shy and was happy to do takedowns on us all. At the beginning, I was not excited to be there because he made us do a warmup in which we ran, did jumping jacks, sit ups, and push ups. I just got over being sick so that was rough. After, we listened to a lesson about modern China and different forms of martial arts too. I found it interesting because I’ve learned about modern China through political science classes and tai chi through my PWB, but I liked his perspective.

Then, we started learning the techniques.

We learned three self-defense techniques and practiced them for a while. Then, he showed us a few other more advanced ones and how to use pressure points on hands to our advantage. Once we finished all of that, he showed us a few flows with a fan and then a sword. This part was really fun, even though being thrown around was rough. Overall, I really enjoyed the experience and would do it again.