How Covid Has Impacted the Islam Religion

In such a trying time, it never occurred to me how COVID affected religion beyond the United States. My church for example, did not meet for 11 months consecutively due to the threat of the virus. This was not only by law but also due to the fact that a lot of the congregation was at high risk from the virus, including my grandparents. This was the case for several churches in my town, county and even state; heck, even the nation. What I never took into consideration was how It affected religious places outside of the US or religions that required different ways of worshipping other than my methodist roots. According to the article by abc, those were called to pray, but In the comfort of their own homes due to social distancing and the surging of a super spreader illness. Mosques are closed therefore the use of livestream might be the next best thing, which is not something the prophet Muhammad had any experience in. The article went on to discuss how this was frowned upon and houses would be burned of those who didn’t worship out in public, but this has now been enforced due to the seriousness of the pandemic. What I am trying to get at here is that I had no idea how COVID affected people down to their religious practices. Its scary and sad, but also necessary in order to get past such a difficult time.