40 Days of Mourning

I was looking up information on traditions in the Muslim Religion and this article about the 40 days of mourning caught my eye. When someone passes away it is tradition to bury the body right away to show respect and host a “spoua” which consists of prayer and donations to charity. The family and community also gather 7 days after the passing of a loved one and 40 days after which is called the “arbyin”. They gather one year after the one-year anniversary. When they get together on these days they pray, donate, and do good deeds on behalf of the deceased. In the Islamic faith, they believe that the body and soul separate when one passes but the soul lives on forever. When the soul does come back it is expecting a gift and it is said that the greatest gift the soul can get is for its loved ones to do a good deed. Each religion celebrates life differently but most all make sure to honor their loved ones and allow their legacy to live forever.

40 Days of Mourning