Rumi Blog Post

Rumi’s poem excerpts were a little confusing to understand, but I found a unique kind of beauty in the words. I like #12, which basically reveals how the important things in life do not cost anything. Their turban and robe cost almost nothing while their self cost less than nothing. This shows how you can’t put money on the most valuable and permanent things in the world. It reminds me of the article we talked about in class that said that the Western style of living focuses solely on material gain and money while the Islamic society focuses on the self and the soul, which are not worth any money yet priceless. I agree that this perspective is true, although globalization is increasing by the year and more of the world relies on the Western capitalist market. I think that it’s important to hold on to the intangible things because we physically cannot lose those and can always get them back. Rumi describes these intangible things and how they encompass beauty, which material items can superficially, but ultimately do not in their true nature.