
While reading the poetry of Rumi, there was a poem that focuses on the idea of fasting. This poem I found especially interesting because I felt that I could appreciate it more after watching the video of the Butler alum fasting. I was able to understand the mental fortitude that it takes, and it added a level of respect for those that fast. Something that I think is interesting when it comes to fasting is that in the Buddhist tradition, Siddhartha gave up his fast because of the reason that it took away mental strength, but in the Islamic tradition it is said to add mental strength. The idea of Solomon’s ring was equally as interesting because it shows this overlap of other religions that were popular in the area of origin, and that although the traditions may seem so different, they have many similarities – especially in “folklore”. The poem also mentions Jesus’ final supper, which, again, reinforces how much Christianity and Islam have overlap. In closing, I found the poetry of Rumi a fun read, even though it was confusing at times, because of its allusions. It just shows how connected Islam is to other religions of the world, and it is not something that is so different like what many think about it today.

1 comment

  1. I find the different ways that Islam overlaps with out religions to be fascinating as well. I wonder if it is due to the geological location of the start of Islam, in relation to the start of other religions. As Buddhism and Christianity were originated in this location of the world as well, it wouldn’t be a far off assumption to believe these religions were fostered and grew together. Although each has their own belief system, it is undeniable how intertwined Islam is with other religions.

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