The Taliban

Reading through the article about the Taliban shocks me and is also interesting to see and really know why we fought against them for so long. I cannot imagine a government restricting you from watching any TV or movies and not allowing music to be played. They wanted to “restore peace” but by doing this they take so many freedoms and are so aggressive towards the people they are trying to control. I am not sure how that is restoring peace within their country. This article also talks about how this was an Al-Qaeda sanctuary which is another large reason why we obviously were there in the first place because of the attacks on 9/11. After reading the article it seems to be that these groups were very smart people and knew what they were doing and how to win an aggressive war. This article talked about their attacks and strategies from changing where they attack and when to attack. It is shocking to hear this because they definitely took advantage of their knowledge and still continued to win over us even with all the advanced technology and leadership we have today.