The Treatment of Middle Eastern Migrants by Belarus

Recently, a crisis has started to brew in Eastern Europe on the Polish and Belarusian border. Belarus has been taking in thousands of migrants from Iraq and Syria in recent weeks has a military propaganda tool to add pressure to Poland and NATO has a whole. Many of these migrants are Kurdish minorities who were promised new lives in Europe but instead were rushed to the border as a political tool. The Belarusian military has been forcing the migrants set up camps on the border and have been giving them tear gas and telling them to tear down the border fencing. Poland has had to respond by blocking the border and throw tear gas back while they get pelted by rocks. It has gotten so bad that Belarusian authorities have pushed women and children into the barbwire and telling them they can not go back into Belarus. These recent crisis has caused European nations and the US to respond by sanctioning the Belarusian Dictatorship and putting NATO nations on high alert for more attempted border assaults. The worst part is the migrants have nowhere to go and are literally stuck between a rock and a hard place on the border. There has already been dead Syrian migrants who drowned trying to cross the river into Poland and a local Polish Muslim community allowed them to be buried in an Islamic burial ceremony in their town. Many experts are blaming this on Belarus’ close ally in Putin’s Russia as a way to distract nations from what they are doing on Ukraine’s border. With tensions heating up it will be interesting to see what happens and how NATO reacts. If the Belarusian military itself attacks it could prove to grow into a larger conflict due the collective defense of NATO and Poland being a member.