Ancient Medical Techniques and Their Modern Day Uses

While combing through the internet, I came across this interesting page about a medical researcher that is using old Chinese medical records to help create new drugs. This was extremely interesting to me because it made me think about how much the world could progress if there was more of an emphasis on working together for scientific achievements. There is lots of nationalistic competition and it leads to incomplete projects that yield deadly results, and a lock on progress. An example would be the Space Race. By looking to the past, we are able to rediscover remedies that yielded positive results and repurpose them to our contemporary needs. This is a tremendous step in the right direction, in regard to medical advancements and it should be implemented worldwide.

1 comment

  1. Additional to the medical world, this philosophy should be implemented across multiple industries. Another example similar to this is why toothpaste, and the reemergence of baking soda toothpaste. Looking towards the past, there are probably plenty of techniques, recipes, and devices that have great potential today that have been forgotten. I think it is a great idea if people start looking back and attempting to incorporate them in modern day life. Great article!

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