ICR Reflection 12/1

During my visit today, I felt responsible for many more things than I normally am. Mr Swem, the class teacher, was absent due to a COVID-19 exposure and I had to enforce the norms of the classroom during my duration of the visit. I helped the substitute teacher put together the packets that the students were required to work through during the class. I assisted Jasmin with instructions on how to complete the student packet on daily routines using google translate. I also helped Carlos understand how to construct complete sentences in one part of the packet. He was struggling to comprehend what punctuation was and how to use it, so I referenced a poster in the room that showed what different punctuation marks looked like and how to use them. I also had to use google translate to help him understand why a period is used at the end of a sentence. Additionally, I helped Santiago understand the meanings of terms used in one’s daily routines such as brushing your teeth, taking a bath, and cooking dinner. I referenced pictures and encouraged him to use google translate so that he could match the terms with the corresponding time of day that each of these tasks were performed (morning, afternoon and evening). While this visit was a bit challenging with all of the help these students required to understand the assignment with little instruction from the teacher, I felt that I did my best to ensure that the students were on the right track for understanding. Each time I visit, I am able to see more reasons why these students need as much assistance as they are able to get. I could not imagine trying to learn an entire new language and feeling immersed in that culture when you are still young enough to not know everything about your own culture. Regardless, these students often amaze me with how much they are able to absorb and how easily some are able to communicate with me. They are very strategic in their methods and often pick up on more concepts than I expect them to.