Islam/”The Cairo House” Overview

I really enjoyed learning about Islam because I was not familiar with it at all before this class. I didn’t realize it was so close to Christianity (which I grew up learning about). I thought it was so cool that people I learned about in the Bible were also in the Qur’an because it helped me better understand the stories.

I liked reading the Cairo House because it reminded me a lot of another book I have read and is similar to the style of books I read for fun, so it was very enjoyable to read. I think it’s super important to learn about different parts of the world and cultures, so I have been prioritizing that in my book selections, which is why this book was perfect for me to read. I think it’s easiest for me to learn about a culture through a story rather than a long lecture/scholarly document, so this book was a great way to understand what Gigi, and women in this culture, felt growing up in this world in Egypt.