ICR Reflection 12/6

During my last visit today, I reflected on the time I have spent volunteering at IPS Newcomer and how much it has had an impact on me. I was able to grow friendships with kids from different cultures that I would not have met without this experience. Each child had their own unique personality and I could not help but compare each one to people that I am already friends with. It saddens me that I will no longer be traveling to IPS Newcomer on Mondays, but their tenacity and curiosity about the world makes me hopeful for each of their futures. Today in class, the students did an activity discussing what locations around the world are special to them and what makes each of them so special. I helped Jose understand the question and asked him that question. He struggled to come up with a definitive answer at first, but settled on his home in Honduras and visiting the beaches in Roatan. I told him that my visit to Roatan several years ago was also very memorable and that I clearly remember the beaches and culture I was able to experience during that time. The next activity in class that we completed was stations, I was in charge of a vocabulary game about people and objects, asking students to match each one to the where they would find them. Eric, Carlos, Christopher and Shayla all played this game 3 times with my help. Each student was engaged and remembered the associations enough to pick it up the second and third time we played the game. After stations, we all went down to the gym to play games like red light green light and take a break from school. I sat next to Jose and talked to him about his day. He said that he was glad to be at the gym but wished we were able to get a soccer ball and play like we did about a month ago. Overall, this last visit was very enjoyable and I will miss spending time with this class next semester!