Chinese TV Show

I watched an episode of a Chinese tv show called “Scissor Seven.” It’s about a boy who is picked to be a killer and trained to do so. In the beginning, I immediately noticed a scene where a boy was getting a food outside of his school from a food cart. The boy ordered a beef offal and wanted it with less lungs and more tripe. I had no idea what this meant, but looked it up. An offal includes all the parts of the cow that we most likely would not eat here in America–tongue, liver, kidney, brains, heart, etc. And the kid wanted more tripe, stomach of a ruminant, and less lungs. It kind of reminds me of how we order chicken in America–we choose from legs, thighs, breasts, wings, etc. After the kid ordered a beef offal, someone tackled him and told him to go home and eat oxtail. I didn’t really know much about that food either, since it isn’t popular there. I looked it up and oxtail meat is just the tail of the cow. I wasn’t able to find the difference between the two meals online, but I feel like, based on context clues, beef offal is more rich in flavor and liked than oxtail.

They also mentioned yuan a lot, which is the currency in China. 1 Yan=0.16 US dollar. The food, drinks, and games were different in this Chinese show than they are in American shows; however, the clothes are similar in both cultures/shows. Overall, it was very fun and interesting to watch and I might even watch more episodes!

1 comment

  1. I might give this show a watch, it sounds very interesting. One of the things that I found the most intriguing while watching Squid Game, a show based out of South Korea, was comparing the culture shown through the show to American culture. This show sounds like it would bring a similar feel, and would give a good comparison. Also, I like to see different foods around the country, and by your description it looks great for that. Thank you !

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