Hero Movie

Over Thanksgiving Break I watched the Chinese film “Hero” with my family. I thought the movie was beautifully filmed and the fight scene choreography was so cool.

One specific aspect of this film I saw that directly related to something we’ve recently talked about in class is chinese calligraphy. Broken Sword and Snow have taken refuge at a calligraphy school. The protagonist of the story goes there to study how Broken Sword does his calligraphy. He thinks that in learning his style of writing he can also learn his style of fighting and how to best defeat him. I used to think that writing meant nothing more than that, but this movie showed me that the Chinese treasure it a lot and take great pride and practice in writing calligraphy.


By nmsimpso

Hola! My llamo Natalie Simpson. Tengo 18 años, soy un estudiante en Butler University. Quiero ser un PA despues de universidad. Quiero obtener un minor en Español.