News Post 2: “Family of Palestinian Boy…”

ALJAZEERA, “Family of Palestinian Boy Killed by Israeli Forces Speaks Out.”

On November 5th, 2021, 15 year old Mohammed Daadas went to Deir al-Hattab in order to protest against the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements into his community. He was shot and killed by Israeli forces. The forces claimed they were responding to a riot but according to witnesses the demonstration hadn’t started yet. Israel plans to make 17,000 apartments for settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. However, Israel does not own this land and it is against international law for them to do so. This incident violates several human rights. The first is number 17 which is the right to your own things. The people were protesting against their land being taken which leads in number 19: freedom of expression and 20: right to public assembly. The last violation is the saddest of all, number 3, which is the right to life. Mohammed gave up his life in order to protest for what he believed in. Rest in Peace.