IACA Wrap-Up

This weekend for our ICR we presented our reflections of the past semester’s activities. It was a great practice to analyze what we truly learned and look back on the journey it has been getting to learn about the IACA and Benny and Kwan. This is an amazing opportunity to see how we have all learned about Chinese Americans though the communication and experiences with Benny and Kwan.

During this meeting and over the semester, I learned how important it is to apply what you learn in class to the real world. This bridges the gap and allows us to grow. I thought that all of the presentations were very interesting, and it was cool to be able to see everyone’s favorite activities this semester and what they learned.

In conclusion for this semester and my ICR credit, this has been a great experience. It provided me a way to become more familiar with the Chinese American culture. I was very surprised to see how prominent this culture is and how we can get involved in it.