ICR 10/10

On Sunday October 10, I tutored a student over Zoom.  I tutored her for an hour, and we went over various classes.  She did not seem to have very much to do.  She had just finished her fall break, so she didn’t really have any homework to go over.  She told me she caught up with most of her assignments and told me what she still needed to do.  I was told she was not turning her assignments in a few weeks ago, but today she told me she was turning her assignments in.  We also just talked for a little bit.  She told me about the show On my Block from Netflix, she said it was ok.  We also talked about Squid Game, she did not like it, but I was a fan.  I also told her about some stories from when I was in high school and what kind of classes I took.

There is not a lot to write about for this day.  We did not do very much.  The adults who I have talked with place a large importance on education, this reminded me of the way Confucius valued education.  In class we spent some time talking about Confucius and the importance he placed on education.  In the reading from the Analects of Confucius, he says “To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous”.  The people in charge of the weekend school want to expose the students to as many things and experiences as possible.  They also like trying to teach them other languages, in addition to Arabic.  They told me that Butler students have often taught them other languages, so I plan to teach them some Chinese in the future.