Gerd Theissan “The Saying Sources of Q”

The part that I found the most interesting was Matthew’s characterization of Jesus. This is mainly due to Jesus’s compassion being a crucial part to the identity of Jesus to Matthew. This absolutely struck me because interpretation of the Bible is fascinating when there are analytics to something as small as Jesus’s compassion towards another. Jesus’s compassion is contributed when he heals people as Theissan says, “Matthew accents the compassion of Jesus for the crowds that have come to him for healing: “And when he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were distressed and discarded, like sheep without a shepherd” (9:36). Jesus’ love for people mirrors that of the God he represents (5:43–48)” (1). I just found this interesting in the sense on how characters are deciphered in the Bible and how personality is really brought to light in these texts.