Patricia Walters “The Synoptic Problem”

Few have questioned Luke and Acts’ shared authorship for nearly 900 years. However, a comprehensive examination of the internal and external evidence demonstrates that this assumption is based on shakier ground than previously supposed. Patricia Walters’ groundbreaking research compares Luke and Acts using a novel statistical approach, revealing major changes in language style. A thorough investigation and re-examination of the two books’ least contested authorial strata – their seams and summaries – reveals ancient literary composing characteristics that clearly separate Luke and Acts. Walters’ use of statistical analysis is unusual in biblical research, and it spurs the use of similar methods in other fields.

One of my Research Topics pertained to the authorship of Matthew. I found this so interesting because Walters also mentions how the authorship could be a different version of Matthew. I went through the internal and external evidence as I found commonalities for Luke and Mark as well as Patricia elaborates.