I learned some new moves//ICR reflection

Last Thursday, I took part in an ICR even up in Noblesville at Master Lings Martial Arts Ring. I walked in and was instantly greeted with a warm welcome as well as told to place my shoes in the shoe organizer to my left. I forgot that this was a custom, but quickly did so before our lesson began. We started by signing a waiver stating that if we were to get hurt there would be no liability, which alarmed me at first, but it all made sense as the night progressed. We began by bowing before entering the ring. Upon entering, we began to do warmups. This consisted of running around the mat for 2 minutes doing various exercises while moving simultaneously. We then did pushups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks to warm the rest of our bodies up. Then we moved into working on certain self defense moves on each other. Master Ling demonstrated on the men in the group first, which resulted in each of us thrown to the ground in pain because this man knew what he was doing! I learned several new techniques that will serve me well if I were to be attacked in public!  We then moved into a drill on tai chi. This was very cool because we got to see him perform it, and then we learned the entire ritual as well. It was neat to see how all the parts lined up. We finished up by watching Master Ling perform a fan dance as well as a sword routine. Both were very intriguing and kept me on my toes throughout the duration of them. Overall I really enjoyed the evening and had fun with my classmates!