11/04 ICR Reflection

For this ICR session with the IACA, we learned self-defense techniques and Tai Chi with Master Ling at his Oriental Martial Arts studio in Noblesville. The studio had a huge mat with a long mirror on one of the walls. We took off our shoes right when we came in since most martial arts are done barefoot.

To step onto the mat, we each had to bow to Master Ling at the mat corner to show respect to his practice. We had a quick warm-up with jogging around the mat, jumping jacks, push-ups, and sit-ups. Master Ling then discussed his background about his immigration from China to the U.S. He also explained the practice of Tai Chi, which is a self-defense art and is not meant to actually hurt anyone when practiced. It requires great physical and mental abilities as well. After his lecture, we were paired up to practice some moves. Each girl was paired up with a guy and we learned some self-defense to do when someone grabs your wrist. Master Ling demonstrated these moves on all of us too. It’s crazy that some coordinated movements can take someone to the ground. He also taught us about pressure points on our arms and shoulders that can help with self-defense.

We also learned a Tai Chi combination. It consisted of leg and arm movements, such as kicking and punching. I liked this movement a lot because it was like dancing. Master Ling also performed two demonstrations of Tai Chi. The first one involved a fan, which he said Chinese soldiers would use during war. The second one had a sword, which involved many strikes and swings. I noticed with both performances that he focused a lot of his breath into each move. Every movement involved a release of breath and strong concentration. It was really cool to see Master Ling perform Tai Chi and think about all the dedication he put into mastering the art.