“An Entrepreneur’s Story” Reflection

In Ha Jin’s The Bridegroom, “An Entrepreneur’s Story” explores a man’s experiences and reflections on the way he is treated differently when he is wealthy and has money. The short story’s opening quote “I never thought money could make such a difference” gives the reader a glimpse into the narrator’s realization that his riches cause him to be viewed completely differently by society and earn him newfound respect. The narrator goes on to explain that prior to finding a secure job and stable income, children who would previously avoid him would now call him uncle, and people who used to treat him poorly now greet him and treat him like a hero (Jin 116). Not only did this story provide insight into the author’s perspective on how money and wealth change the way someone is viewed by society, but I also found it interesting how the author also explored how wealth causes a person to look at themselves differently as well. This idea is especially emphasized when the narrator asserts “Money is a funny thing. It can change your personality. No, not that you actually change inside, but people around you change their attitudes toward you. This can make you look at yourself differently…” (Jin 120). Overall, I think Ha Jin’s short story is a good reminder that while wealth might not necessarily change one’s personality, it does have the potential to influence us in powerful ways and whether or not we control money or allow our money to control us, our actions, and the ways in which we view ourselves and those around us.