Yü Jang Post

This story of Yü Jang illustrates the kinds of values and concepts that are prominent in ancient China as well as modern China. I think the value of authority is present in this story because Yü Jang honors his master, the earl of Chih. Yü Jang uses his stealthy skills and his loyal mindset to avenge his master’s death, even though it means that he could possibly be killed or arrested for his actions. I think he also reflects the types of anecdotes that were meant to carry meaningful messages to the people of China. The fact that this is still a popular story means that it taught ancient Chinese citizens about their values and what it means to be a hero while also showing modern citizens that these past stories should serve as examples for the present. This story also differs from popular Western tales, such as typical Disney movies that have the heroes not usually kill the villain because they have wronged people, not just for killing their master. I think this shows how Western and Chinese ideals differ because we hold different ideologies and ways we run our government, society, and other parts of our worlds.