Daodejing Poems 1-40 Post

Although these poems are difficult to understand at first, I think that once you really read into them, you can pull out the intended meaning behind them. One example is poem 8, which suggests that in order to not go wrong, you must act like water. This recommendation goes along with the idea of non-action, since water flows rather than disrupts. The poem also holds similar ideas of the Golden Rule, such as “treat others well” and “stand by your word.” Although Western and Eastern ideals can differ in many ways, I think it’s a universal rule that we should treat others the way we want to be treated. Cultures just teach this rule in different ways through stories and tales. Another poem I like is Poem 16, which tells you to embrace stillness. This also relates to nonaction, since it tells us to return to the root of something and not alter life in a way it doesn’t need to be changed. The ordinary is the most important part of reaching Enlightenment, since it’s the most natural part of any thing.