BCR Event 9/8 Hello Gold Mountain

I attended the BCR event from Hello Gold Mountain last night and I am so glad that I did. The piece itself was beautiful but the meaning behind it was something very special and something I had never known based on my education behind WWII. Since Shanghai, China was one of the only places Jewish people could flee too without being turned away without a visa, several of them resettled there for the remainder of the war and built a part of their lives there. The Jew’s left due to the ending of the Bloody Chinese civil war coming to an end in 1949. Times grew old and these two cultures were unable to make music and grow that part of their culture together, therefore Wu Fei created this piece to commemorate and tie the event together. The colors used throughout the moving piece resembled the start of war with terror, then moved to death, but ended with triumph and sanctuary. I was moved by the piece and learned a very important part of hidden history that isn’t discussed much at all in American History.