Tao Te Ching

Poem 8 reads,

“Best to be like water. Which benefits the ten thousand things And does not contend. It pools where humans distain to dwell, Close to the Tao. Live in a good place. Keep your mind deep. Treat others well. Stand by your word. Make fair rules. Do the right thing. Work when it’s time. Only do not contend, And you will not do wrong.”

I feel like this is one of the poems that speaks to its audience well because in almost any situation, there are things that you can’t influence or change. When it comes to your surroundings, and things that are beyond you, there’s only so much one can do to influence and the rest you must allow to shape your actions and decisions. In terms of college, the poem talks about things such as getting back into college life, creating a schedule that works for you, or just doing your work in general. I feel like this is a good poem in terms of life as well because there many things in life that you can’t change and just simply have to put up with or deal with. The poem also talks about treating others right, and about doing the right thing, which I feel is equally as important because while you may not be able to control others, you still can dictate how you live and how you invite things such as happiness into your own life.