Tao Te Ching 68

“The accomplished person is not aggressive. The good soldier is not hot tempered.
The best conqueror does not engage the enemy. The most effective leader takes the lowest place.
This is called the Te of not contending. This is called the power of the leader. This is called matching Heaven’s ancient ideal.”

This is one of my favorite lines throughout Tao Te Ching. One of my biggest pet peeves in life is where people feel the need to show how great they are and shove it down everyone’s throats. “The accomplished person is not aggressive” line is explaining if you are accomplished to not show it off. Stay humble and be grateful. That is one of my biggest goals, that if I were to ever become successful I would share the wealth and be able to help other people and never come out of that “middle class” personality. “The good soldier is not hot tempered” makes me think that even when I am in the thick of an argument or a tough time I can be able to stay calm and reserved and get myself out of the situation with good mentality. The last parts about being a leader makes me think that if I were ever in charge to make sure I continue to put others first. That I do not try to take down other people and I keep a high moral standard. If any excerpt were to be used in life I think this is one of the best to use.