Tendencies of Man

As humans, we know that there are a few things that we instinctively do just as a result of being human. Hsun Tzu explains in “Man’s Nature Is Evil” how man does a few intangible things that just make sense. A big point he was trying to make was profit and beautifulness. We all want to be confident in ourselves and our looks while also bringing in a comfortable amount of money, or maybe an excess of it. We see those as things that are hard to obtain but almost see it as needs, unfortunately. Another point of emphasis that Tzu made prominent was that as humans, we need to be taught and guided. We are very formable from birth and we have to be lead down the right path and taught the right ways of life in order to be successful and be able to teach those who come after us. That is the beauty of people, we try to help one another to make this world a better and complete place to live and call home for the meantime. The last case that Tzu makes is a very important one that I think everyone can voice their opinion on. He explains how the environment and people we surround ourselves with tells a lot about a person and how a person will be in the future. I think we can all see this in a few people that we know and it really does give some insight on that individual and his motives and aspirations. I really like Tzu’s backend way of writing and kind of reverse explains everything which I thought was really interesting. Man will forever be confusing and will never be fully figured out, but a few of the points made are certainly some to take into consideration.