Small Happiness

The documentary Small Happiness is about how women are treated in China and the long-standing role that they are forced to play. I found the documentary very eye-opening and it introduced me to new information on Chinese culture. In China, most married couples are arranged by their parents. If the parents of the girl think that the boy is good enough for their daughter then they will get married even if they do not know each other. They continuously talked about how nobody wants a daughter because it is a “waste” They can’t take care of the family and are considered a burden. When having children in China everyone wants a boy. I do not think this is fair or logical because without the women to carry the child there would be no more children. Without the women to take care of the men, the men would not survive. And without the women who would make the food and raise the children. Women in China do not receive nearly as much credit as they should. They are also not treated with the respect they deserve. Another thing that I thought was CRAZY from the documentary is the fact that women bind their feet. Watching the older lady in the video wrap her feet up so tight that she can barely walk on them was sad. The way of life and standards that women are held to in China is unrealistic. This documentary does a good job of getting the women’s perspectives and the men’s perspectives to show you how it is just normal to them. The normal ways that they are used give me perspective on how lucky us women are in the U.S are to be able to have such simple rights such as choosing our husband.