“Woman from New York”

I enjoyed this story because it showed the differences between the United States (New York) and China. The way the author described how Chen Jinli changed once she came back to China from New York was really interesting. Her hair, the way she composed herself, her shoes, her make up, and even her teeth were completely Americanized just by living in New York for four years that made her family/people in China hardly recognize her.
I really enjoy learning about the differences between cultures, and I thought it was interesting how much Chen Jinli liked New York and was okay with going back after she couldn’t get a job in China again, but her husband Chigan would do anything but follow her to the US because he did not like the differences in culture. I also thought it was interesting that Chen Jinli said you could get by in New York in Chinatown without knowing English. I think if Chigan were to go to New York, he’d have to learn some English if he wanted to move from Chinatown, but I wasn’t aware that was a place you could live/stay just in that area.