Alive Part 2

Something else that stuck out to me from “Alive” was how the government tried to rebuild after the earthquake. In our culture, we place a lot of emphasis on grief and taking the time to mourn after a loss. In recent years, there has been much more awareness surrounding mental health and how to maintain a strong mind. The government’s response, in this case, was much more logic-based. They simply could not house, feed, and clothe that many people, so separating them into families was a good way to eliminate many of the problems they were facing as a result of the earthquake. With that being said, there seems to be almost no emphasis on how these people feel and their mental health. I can’t imagine that some of these people, losing spouses, children, or even their entire families, were ready to enter into new relationships so soon. With that being said, from an economical standpoint, the steps the government took make more sense. It is hard for me to reconcile these two things, or to even imagine this happening today.