Woman from New York & An Official Reply Post

These two stories reveal a lot about what a communist society is like and how it affects people’s careers. In Woman from New York, the main character Jinli suffers a lot of discrimination after she returns from the US back to China. Everyone thinks that she got a job as a concubine for a wealthy Chinese Man in New York. She dresses differently than before and is judged constantly for her new appearance. She also is not allowed to see her child, which is the worst punishment of all for going to the US for a while. I think this story shows how people can be quick to judge others for going to a foreign country with a different economic and societal structure. I think this can apply vice versa as well because if someone from the US stayed in China for a few years, I’m certain some of their close family and friends would show some concern if they came back looking very different. Although both countries differ a lot in societies, it’s important to expand your cultural experiences and travel when you can. In An Official Reply, we learn that the narrator, Zhao Ningshen, did not have the option to choose his career interest. He is forced to study English instead of his passion, which was Chinese literature. Even if his test proved that he should study English, it’s important that someone picks their career choice for a reason because it can truly determine their happiness.