“Saboteur” Reflection

After reading this short story it made me think of some world problems that have been a constant problem for years. For years people have always had problems with some, not all, officers and how they use their power. There are many that like to use their power to their discretion and treat people horribly. In other countries where there is so much propaganda from the government I believe it is much easier for this to happen and this is what happens to the people that decide to ever talk back. It is very sad that many people just have to deal with the power and the oppression of people with power. Also it feels to me as if this happens more often foreign that people have to pay for something they really did not do just because someone with a higher standing in society said something that they did no matter if it was true or not. Maybe just because they did not like that person and it is crazy to me how easy it is for many of those individuals to get away with that. At the end when it talks about the hepatitis I think this is a very interesting folklore that people may have brought about to tell their kids how this sickness came about.