T’an Ssu-t’ung vs. Ch’en Tu-hsiu

T’an Ssu-t’ung lived during the Reform Movement and is the author of The Study of Humanity. In his work, he makes the claim that Confucius taught against monarchism and hierarchical power, and instead believed in the power of human relationships and equality amongst the people. He opposed the Chinese family system and how the rulers came to power. T’an Ssu-t’ung explains that in the beginning of time, there was no royalty. People “joined in raising up” a leader, which meant that the ruler was initially on the same level of status as everyone else, but was chosen by the common people to rule. The author makes an interesting reference, noting that people are the root of the tree and the prince (ruler) is the branch. A branch on a tree is able to die without the root dying, but a limb cannot prosper if its base has died. In other words, a ruler can only thrive and have success as long as the people are thriving and happy. I also found it interesting how the author refers to the five human relationships. He claims that a relationship between friends is the superior relationship because it is “founded on equality, liberty, and mutual feelings.” Unlike the other relationships, there is no master.

Ch’en Tu-hsiu’s beliefs about Confucianism differ quite significantly from those of T’an Ssu-t’ung. Ch’en Tu-hsiu states that the teachings of Confucius follow the rules of decorum or propriety, which means conforming to the standards or behaviors of society. Confucius lived in a feudal age, when relationships were built around those who held land and needed service or labor. Therefore, the author does not believe Confucius believed in the importance of equality. For example, Confucian teachings don’t allow widows to remarry. The wife is to be supported by the man and “needs no independent livelihood.” Sons and wives were not to possess personal individuality or property. Finally, Confucius teaches that a wife should always respect and obey her parents-in-law, no matter what. If the parents-in-law do not like the girl, then they should be divorced. This type of behavior has led to much cruelty to daughters-in-law.