Confucius Confusion

There are many people in life that we could point to and say that he or she made a big difference and really set some sort of standard in some way shape or form. For a lot of people, they would say Confucius, and I can see why. Confucius really drew out and explained what being a good human looks like and what it is all about. Man must be moral, ethical, help themselves and those around them, and just be an outstanding being.


In “The Way of Confucius and Modern Life” by Ch’en Tu-Hsiu, it goes more in depth about Confucius and some of his teachings and guidelines. It starts out by talking about individual independence and how ethics are worked into confucianism and into the lives of confucianists. A few paragraphs later, it talks about the roles of a woman. In Confucius’s rules, he explains how women need to submit, they cannot be involved in politics, and should not talk too much outside of their homes. This kind of caught me off guard because I guess I just took Confucius as someone who would look past these “stereotypes” and come up with something more profound. This makes me question Confucius a little bit and has been a cause for some confusion, but this will only allow me to learn more about him.