
Nimei the main character spends the entire portion of the story preparing to impress her old lover. She has not seen him in 17 years and since has started a family, gained weight, and had a simple life. Her family does not have a lot of money and her husband no longer has the job he had when they were first together. She is unhappy in her marriage and becomes eggar when she hears from her first love. Nimei realizes that she has changed a lot since the last time he saw her and she wanted to change herself back incase he wants to rekindle their love. She creates this large plan and goes to all this work to try and get her husband a new job so he will seem equal to her old lover. They spend money and time trying to impress the right people in order to get this plan to work. Meanwhile her husband has no idea what she is up to but is still helping her. In the end Nimei never ends up meeting up with her old love and is heartbroken. She does all that work for nothing.

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