Cowboy Chicken Analysis

In “After Cowboy Chicken Came To Town”, Ha Jin explores the idea of an American owned chicken restaurant located in Muji City, China. There are many aspects of an American run business that are explored but Ha Jin focuses on Capitalism. One instance of this is when workers find out that they are getting paid significantly less than their manager. This is commonplace in our society, and there can even be pay gaps in the same position due to previous work experience that can set you apart from the competition.

Another part of this story that was very interesting to take note of was that the manager would burn all of the leftovers at the end of the night. The idea of throwing away leftovers is very common in America. This might be because of the capitalistic idea of if someone doesn’t buy the product, then no-one should get it for free.As I stated in class, Dunkin’ Donuts has been placed in the spotlight by workers on social media as they throw out all of the food that was not sold. The workers were very surprised by this because there are people that could use that food instead of wasting it. They even went to upper management and were told basically that it is company policy and will not bye changed. This is something that is common in larger organizations, but should be addressed. I believe that food and clothing companies should work with organizations such as local food pantries and homeless shelters in order to help the community in a meaningful way. This will do nothing but help others and the companies.