Intro to Islam and Cairo House Pg. 1-26

Today in class, I had a flashback to my FYS class last year when someone brought up Abraham sacrificing his son. The FYS class that I took was Faith, Doubt, and Reason, with Professor Hege and we just so happened to have read and discussed Genesis 22 which is about The Binding of Isaac where Abraham sacrifices his son. If I remember correctly, God decided to test Abraham’s faith by telling him to sacrifice his son, Isaac, as a burnt offering. Just seconds before Abraham was going to kill and sacrifice Isaac, he was stopped because he had proven that he was faithful to God. He was then provided a ram to sacrifice in place of Isaac. I had no idea that there was a holiday linked to this story, so I was surprised to hear this Bible chapter brought up in class.

In Cairo House, something that I found interesting was that how she knew that bringing up that she was born and originally from Cairo to the couple that she was sitting next to on the plane would lead to her being judged and given weird looks. It sucks to think that people would be judged based on where they were born or originally from. In my 8am Dancing Beyond Boundaries class, we started out the class talking about racism, sexism, stereotypes, assumptions, and inclusivity. One of the things we talked about is how there is a general stereotype formed in our minds about different races, such as how Asians are good at math, or how African Americans tend to be seen as strong and overall just bad people. I can’t help but think that Gigi knew that bringing up that she was from Cairo would cause the couple to think and judge based on assumptions similar to those.