
This past week I have started to watch a Chinese sitcom called iApartment. I have started watching in season 4 which is confusing to jump into, but I have not yet found a version of previous seasons with subtitles. This season started out with an aside from one of the actors bringing the audience up to speed as to what happened in the season 3 finale. The whole episode was based around one of the main characters finding a positive pregnancy test in their apartment and trying to figure out who’s it was. I found the comedy to be very similar to American sitcoms and the idea of this episode was very similar to an episode of How I Met Your Mother. I don’t typically watch shows in other languages, so it was very interesting to watch one with English subtitles. I was able to pick up on a few words that were consistent through the show. It is very evident to me that learning to speak a language can be drastically accelerated just by the exposure to shows like this.