Introduction to the Islamic Middle East

On class Thursday, longtime word and meanings were put into place for me as the readings covered what I have heard over the course of my life, which involved things such as Muhammad, the Quran, Apostles, etc. All my life I have practices Christianity, growing up in the methodist church, it was all I had ever known. To learn that Muhammad was actually someone sent by God to relay messages was eye opening to me. When I was deciding on classes I knew I wanted to take a GHS that focused on an area of the world where my religion wasn’t widely as popular as it may be elsewhere. The islam part of this course spoke to me and Im glad to finally get to it. Back to Muhammad, I was unaware that he practiced polygamy, and learning that he had 13 wives was quite the eye opener. I always learned in my Christian teachings at a young age that one spouse was appropriate. I was also unaware that Muhammad spent a large part of his life as a merchant. Continuing on, I also was shocked to learn that Muhammad was suicidal when it came to religious encounters, angel encounters, etc. To me, I would think it would be the opposite of suicidal. I figured it would be more peaceful and an “out of body experience.” In Christianity, I have learned that suicide is the number 1 unforgivable sin, therefore it was interesting to learnt hat God sent someone who could even have these thoughts. Muhammad was known as several things and often referred to by prophet, apostle, visionary, seer, political leader, military leader, and conceived by the holy spirit. So much stuff the grasp and understand but its important to set the groundwork for what is to come.