Parallels in Books

Often times, there is some religious and/or sacred reading or teaching that goes along with a certain religion or faith. For christianity, there is the Bible, and for Islam, the Qur’an. In the Qur’an, there are a lot of “suras”, or sections, that explain and tell a story or lesson relating to the Islam faith.

In suras #1, it is the opening chapter and just explains the praising of God and how he is called multiple different names in high praise. Suras #82 was probably my favorite one because it explains the weather can be a sign and can tell us to do something revolving around God. Then lastly, in suras #107, it broadly defines how all actions lead to consequences which is very relevant when talking about faith. When reading these suras, I thought it was very similar to the Bible in the way that there are verses and different “books/chapters” within it which actually made part of the Qur’an a little easier to understand. It is really cool to see differences amongst religious books and how it can help with comprehension.