First Sura Readings

While reading the Suras, I noticed many similarities to Christianity such as how God created heaven and earth and knows everything, and how God is forgiving.

There was a line in Sura 57 that said, “Know that the worldly life is only play, and distraction, and glitter, and boasting among you, and rivalry in wealth and children,” and it reminded me of a conversation that I had in my FYS last year about how everything we do in our lives, such as going to school, playing sports, going to work, etc. are like distractions in our lives. I also thought that it was interesting how they described the world and life using the word glitter. I sort of saw it as the world is pretty, but also messy. I also found it interesting how they said there was a rivalry in wealth and children, because the rivalry in wealth is clear, with how everyone wants to make as much money as they can to live a well off life, but I never really thought of having children as a competition or something to fight for.

In Sura 83, they also brought up Sijjean, the record of the wicked, and Elliyyoon, the record of the righteous which I thought was really interesting. I never knew whether or not it was actually a thing because I had never seen or heard of something like that other than in movies or shows.