10/26 Notes Qur’an

I really don’t know much about the Qur’an, so I’m really excited and eager to learn about it. For a long time, I didn’t know that the Muslim God and Christian/Jewish God were the same. I am still a little confused about that, but now I know there are the same people in the Bible as there are in the Qur’an, it’s just written by one person as opposed to multiple in the Bible.
It was also interesting to learn about Judgment Day, since I already know about it from a Christian standpoint. I didn’t realize Muslims also have a Judgement Day and that sinners also go to Hell in Islam. I don’t know if Muslims consider sins the same as Christians do—lying, cheating, etc.—but I assume they have some similar characteristics. However, God has different attributes in Islam than in Christianity/Judaism, so maybe that impacts what is considered a sin and what’s not?