Five Pillars and Muslim Praying

I thought it was really interesting how a lot of what the Five Pillars of Islam related back to helping the poor or sympathizing with the poor. One of the Five Pillars is Zakah which is a charity tax that is used to support the poor. Another pillar is fasting during Ramadan which allows them to experience hunger and sympathize with the poor and hungry. Also, throughout the reading when sacrificing an animal was brought up, it was always mentioned that 1/3 of the meat was given to the poor, which I thought was really interesting. I think that poverty is such a big problem in the world that many people tend to ignore or just not do anything about it so it is interesting to see how important it is to sympathize with and help the poor.

Another thing that I found really interesting was how they have to pray 5 times a day. With all the time that they have in a day and all the things which they have to do, it is crazy to think that they can fit in 5 specific times in the day to go pray. I also found it interesting that they wash before prayer in a very specific way so that they can show their respect to God by presenting themselves clean. I also found it interesting how there were different options on how to pray to God. Having gone to church when I was younger, praying was typically done with our hands clasped and our heads looking slightly downwards, so I was interested to learn of the different ways in which one could pray.