The Five Pillars Reflection

Prior to taking this class, I was not aware of the specific details of the Five Pillars of Islam and what each of them meant. Watching the video at the start of class on Tuesday of adhan or the Muslim call to Prayer was again a reminder of the beauty of the sound of the prayer itself and how this is used to convey meaning and a message to share with people. I also was not aware that this prayer was to be said five times a day, with the first portion of the prayer being the declaration of faith. This section of the prayer states that there is no other god but God and Muhammad is the one sent by God as a messenger. Something else I had never heard of before was minarets, and I enjoyed learning how they make the location where one gathers to meet visible from far distances and allows sound to carry. I also found it interesting that pilgrimage is part of many religious traditions and Hajj has to be done once in your lifetime if you are able.


I also found it interesting to note that the giving and charity requirements are not the same as the tithe in the Bible, but instead, is 2.5%. I also think the fact that but this is a bare minimum reveals just how much giving is emphasized in Islamic tradition and that if you have more, you are encouraged to share. Before our discussion, I also was not necessarily aware that this may be taken care of by communities or on a national level and it is something that is expected and functions almost like a tax. I was aware of fasting during the month of Ramadan, where Muslims fast between sun up and sunset, but I really enjoyed the video we watched in class and it was easy to make connections with what my own experience might be like fasting, especially thinking about trying to fast and also go to school or work, play sports, etc.