Reflecting on Sharia

I really enjoyed the “What Sharia means: 5 questions answered” article online. I found it really interesting the setup with questions and then responses which answer the question, but also provide a lot of educational information and background. There was a little blurb about the author to give the article credibility, and there were a lot of links to other informative articles. I also linked how it did read like a conversation more than a lecture which made it enjoyable.

As for searching Sharia on my own, the first thing to come up was Wikipedia as most searches do, and I scrolled away to see what else there was. Afterwards was a dictionary definition, but beneath that were two websites which I wouldn’t call credible. One of them was, and there was little to no reference to where the info was coming from, and there were a lot of ads. One thing that I did like was that it had the authors and author bios, and the article had to be reviewed by someone. The other website was which, even though it is a .org site, didn’t have an author or reference sources either (except for the Quran). The third website that I thought was credible was because it had an extensive list of sources at the end.