Hadith & Fiqh Akbar I Blog Post

I found some interesting points made in both of these readings’ excerpts. For the Hadith passages, most of the guidelines were strict but made sense for Islam followers. The first passage explains that Islam is an easy religion, which I made a point in class about since there’s many rules, it is clear and straightforward on what is and isn’t allowed in the religion. I also found some similarities between Islam and Christianity and Confucianism. Excerpt 5 expresses that you need to love everyone else the same as yourself, otherwise you do not have true faith. This is similar to the Christian belief that you should love your neighbor as yourself and the Golden Rule. The 7th passage reminded me of Confucianism because it states that every Muslim should always seek knowledge. This is very much like Confucianism because Confucius emphasized the importance of seeking knowledge and always wanting to learn more.

The Fiqh Akbar I has similar guidelines as the Hadith does. It emphasizes that it’s okay to sin and not be perfect because it is human nature to be flawed. Islam also believes in the good and fights against the evil in the world. Article 6 stood out to me because it states that religion matters are more important than law and knowledge. This makes sense to me since Islam is a peaceful religion and puts morality above all things. Also, the importance of placing Allah above all people and worldly objects is the main point of Islam.