Chinese TV Show

I watched an episode of a Chinese tv show called “Scissor Seven.” It’s about a boy who is picked to be a killer and trained to do so. In the beginning, I immediately noticed a scene where a boy was getting a food outside of his school from a food cart. The boy ordered a… Continue reading Chinese TV Show

China News 12/3

I looked up “China News” into Google and found the South China Morning Post, which had a story on the economy in China–specifically the rising inflation pressures and covid-19 outbreaks. The news site was in English (luckily), so it was very similar to how I get my American news, but, obviously, all the stories and… Continue reading China News 12/3

11/11 Notes Revolution in Egypt and Elsewhere in the Middle East

Mohammed Ali ruled over Egypt and was the start of the royal family. I don’t know much about him, Egypt, or Islam, so everything I learned this class was new information for me. I liked learning about how Muslims were seen as in need of enlightenment, even though they didn’t because they were have already… Continue reading 11/11 Notes Revolution in Egypt and Elsewhere in the Middle East

11/9 Notes Sufism, Rumi’s Poetry, Layla and Majnun

I didn’t know that Jesus just popped into Islamic poetry/stories. I thought that was pretty cool that there’s almost like a mix of religions in those poems. Which leads into another topic we had talked about–that Sufism is engaging in other religions and appreciative of other outlooks on religion. Sufism allows you to believe what… Continue reading 11/9 Notes Sufism, Rumi’s Poetry, Layla and Majnun

11/2 Notes The 5 Pillars

I liked learning about how Covid impacted Mosques and Muslims who wanted to pray together. It helped me better understand what a group of people different from me were going through during that hard time of not being able to see others in person. I liked how the Muslims created new ways of worship by… Continue reading 11/2 Notes The 5 Pillars