BBC Documentary on Confucius

I enjoyed watching the documentary because I find it fascinating to hear how prominent people in history get to be so important and learn about how they grew up. I thought it was interesting that Confucius was always into much more mature ways of spending his time–like learning new concepts and ideas while other kids… Continue reading BBC Documentary on Confucius

Poems 1-40

I thought all the poems we read were so beautiful. The thing that was most interesting to me though was the fact that the translations were so different between each of the years (even 2000 to 2003). Some years poems would be really short and other years they would be really long, and it seemed… Continue reading Poems 1-40

“Tiger fighter”

I thought this story was very entertaining, but also very different than anything else I have ever read. It kind of reminded me of a folktale (I took a class where we read a lot of folktales) because of the randomness of it all. The story and its customs didn’t seem all too different from… Continue reading “Tiger fighter”