ICR 10/03

On Sunday October 3, I spent two hours at the Nur Allah weekend school.  All the students were here for the first time today.  I did a few different things today.  I began with the student with dyslexia, and I helped her red some children’s books.  I am still not sure how to help her. … Continue reading ICR 10/03

ICR 10/10

On Sunday October 10, I tutored a student over Zoom.  I tutored her for an hour, and we went over various classes.  She did not seem to have very much to do.  She had just finished her fall break, so she didn’t really have any homework to go over.  She told me she caught up… Continue reading ICR 10/10

Math in Islam

On Monday night October 20, 2021, I tutored a student over zoom.  I helped tutor her for her upcoming geometry test.  The session was only one hour.  We spent most of the session going over her study sheet.  I noticed one mistake in her notes about reflections and rotations, so I helped her most with… Continue reading Math in Islam

ICR 10/31

On Sunday October 31, I went to the weekend school to help with the students.  I worked there for two hours.  When I first got to the school, the students were learning some Arabic and practicing their writing.  They continued for a little bit until the Imam came in the classroom to teach them about… Continue reading ICR 10/31

Reflections on Religious Harmony

On Sunday November 14, I attended a Zoom call with members of the Focolare Movement and the American Society of Muslims.  The meeting was also attended by members of the Nur Allah Islamic Center.  People from Sweden, Italy, the United States, Ireland, and other countries attended the meeting.  The meeting was a celebration of the… Continue reading Reflections on Religious Harmony

ICR at Pacers Game

On Saturday November 20, I attended an Indiana pacers game with some members of Nur Allah.  During the game, I talked to the weekend school students and the adult members of the organization.  I enjoyed talking to the other members and learning more about them and their lives.  There were not very many aspects of… Continue reading ICR at Pacers Game

Muslim Funeral Traditions

I wanted to write about Muslim funeral traditions after seeing many items used for a funeral one day during my ICR at Nur Allah.  I helped them move items used for funerals and they pointed out the room they use for preparations. There are some differences between Muslim funerals and more standard American funerals.  The… Continue reading Muslim Funeral Traditions

The Five Pillars of Islam

The first pillar is declaration of faith (shahada).  There are two shahadas: “There is no god but God” and “Muhammed is the messenger of God”.  These shahadas are typically said in Arabic.  They are said five times a day during the prayers.  They are also the first thing said to new babies and the last… Continue reading The Five Pillars of Islam

Chinese Geography

China is the third largest country.  A country that large has a wide range of geography that leads to its culture, economy, and history.  China is made up of 23 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct controlled municipalities, and two special administrative regions.  Beijing is the capital and Shanghai is the largest city, both are… Continue reading Chinese Geography