News Post 3: Who are the Uyghurs and why is China being accused of genocide?

BBC, “Who are the Uyghurs and why is China being accused of genocide?” (Video) Although we already talked about the genocide of Uyghurs in class, I felt the documentary and readings focused mainly on the detention camps. This news report gives a brief overview of how unwelcome media is in XinJiang as well as… Continue reading News Post 3: Who are the Uyghurs and why is China being accused of genocide?

News Post 2: “Family of Palestinian Boy…”

ALJAZEERA, “Family of Palestinian Boy Killed by Israeli Forces Speaks Out.” On November 5th, 2021, 15 year old Mohammed Daadas went to Deir al-Hattab in order to protest against the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements into his community. He was shot and killed by Israeli forces. The forces claimed they were responding to a… Continue reading News Post 2: “Family of Palestinian Boy…”

Muhammad’s childhood vs Jesus’

Muhammad and Jesus are both prophets but they come from very different beginnings. Muhammad’s parents Amina and Abdullah are forced to be married by Abdul’l’Muttalib. Amina then becomes pregnant with Muhammad and during the pregnancy Abdullah dies. Jesus on the other hand is born to Mary and Joseph but even though Mary was with Joseph,… Continue reading Muhammad’s childhood vs Jesus’

“The Cairo House: Past as Prologue,” Summary and Analysis

Gigi’s father(Shamel)’s friend Maurice died suddenly when they were young, single adults. Maurice’s death causes him to want to get married. This chapter is all about the character Gina. Gina is Shamel’s favorite niece and he often shows favoritism towards her compared to her siblings. He goes out to eat with Gina and runs into… Continue reading “The Cairo House: Past as Prologue,” Summary and Analysis